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World-2DPAGE Constellation

Attention: World-2DPAGE is no longer maintained.

A Make2D-DB II DATABASE: version 2.50, built 18-Jul-2006

Dumped on 2006-07-18

The Make2D-DB II Tool

Index of database structure for schema: log 

Table: analyte

analyte Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
analyteid integer
sampleid integer
analytepreparationid integer
description text
analyteparentid integer
fromanalyzablesource integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


analyte Constraints
Name Constraint
analyte_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
analyte_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: analytepreparation

analytepreparation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
analytepreparationid integer
preparationprotocol text
uri character varying(4096)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


analytepreparation Constraints
Name Constraint
analytepreparation_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
analytepreparation_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: analyzable

analyzable Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
analyzableid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


analyzable Constraints
Name Constraint
analyzable_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
analyzable_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: author

author Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
author character varying(1024)
article integer
authorpriority smallint
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


author Constraints
Name Constraint
author_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
author_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: authorgroup

authorgroup Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
author character varying(1024)
article integer
authorpriority smallint
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


authorgroup Constraints
Name Constraint
authorgroup_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
authorgroup_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: authorparent

authorparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
author character varying(1024)
article integer
authorpriority smallint
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


authorparent Constraints
Name Constraint
authorparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
authorparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: biologicalprocess

biologicalprocess Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
goid character varying(32)
goname character varying(256)
gosynoymsnames character varying(1024)
godefinition character varying(1024)
lastupdate timestamp without time zone
mappedenzymeclassification character varying(16)
mappedtransportclassification character varying(16)
goparents character varying(32)[]
gochildren character varying(32)[]
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


biologicalprocess Constraints
Name Constraint
biologicalprocess_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
biologicalprocess_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: biosource

biosource Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
biosourceid integer
studygroupid integer
biosourceinformationid integer
biosourcepreparationid integer
description text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


biosource Constraints
Name Constraint
biosource_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
biosource_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: biosourceinformation

biosourceinformation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
biosourceinformationid integer
organismid integer
organismstrain character varying(256)
straindetailsdescription text
individualscount character varying(256)
genotype character varying(16)
developmentalstage character varying(256)
anatomy character varying(256)
tissueid integer
cell character varying(256)
cellline character varying(256)
measuredproperties text
environmet character varying(256)
treatment text
phenotype text
behaviour text
pathology text
provider character varying(256)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


biosourceinformation Constraints
Name Constraint
biosourceinformation_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
biosourceinformation_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: biosourcepreparation

biosourcepreparation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
biosourcepreparationid integer
preparationprotocol text
uri character varying(4096)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


biosourcepreparation Constraints
Name Constraint
biosourcepreparation_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
biosourcepreparation_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: book

book Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
bookid integer
booktitle character varying(256)
editors character varying(256)
publisher character varying(128)
city character varying(64)
year smallint
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


book Constraints
Name Constraint
book_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
book_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: cellularcomponent

cellularcomponent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
goid character varying(32)
goname character varying(256)
gosynoymsnames character varying(1024)
godefinition character varying(1024)
lastupdate timestamp without time zone
mappedenzymeclassification character varying(16)
mappedtransportclassification character varying(16)
goparents character varying(32)[]
gochildren character varying(32)[]
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


cellularcomponent Constraints
Name Constraint
cellularcomponent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
cellularcomponent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: citer

citer Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
author character varying(1024)
article integer
authorpriority smallint
unpublished boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


citer Constraints
Name Constraint
citer_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
citer_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: commententry2d

commententry2d Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
commenttopicid integer
commentfreetext text
geldimension smallint
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


commententry2d Constraints
Name Constraint
commententry2d_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
commententry2d_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: commententryfreetext

commententryfreetext Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
commenttopicid integer
commentfreetext text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


commententryfreetext Constraints
Name Constraint
commententryfreetext_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
commententryfreetext_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: commententryparent

commententryparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
commenttopicid integer
commentfreetext text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


commententryparent Constraints
Name Constraint
commententryparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
commententryparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: commenttopic

commenttopic Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
commenttopicid integer
commenttopicname character varying(64)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


commenttopic Constraints
Name Constraint
commenttopic_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
commenttopic_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: contact

contact Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
contactid integer
name character varying(256)
email character varying(256)
institution character varying(256)
address text
remark text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


contact Constraints
Name Constraint
contact_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
contact_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: dynamicremotemake2ddbinterface

dynamicremotemake2ddbinterface Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
interfaceid integer
interfaceuri text
dbnumber integer
dbname character varying(128)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


dynamicremotemake2ddbinterface Constraints
Name Constraint
dynamicremotemake2ddbinterface_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
dynamicremotemake2ddbinterface_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entry

entry Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
id character varying(32)
entryclass character varying(32)
identmethod character varying(16)
description text
releasecreation integer
subreleasecreation integer
genenames character varying(1024)
keywords character varying(1024)
organismid integer
organismstrain character varying(256)
entrychecksum character(16)
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entry Constraints
Name Constraint
entry_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entry_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entrygelimage

entrygelimage Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
gelid integer
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entrygelimage Constraints
Name Constraint
entrygelimage_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entrygelimage_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entrygelmaster

entrygelmaster Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
gelid integer
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entrygelmaster Constraints
Name Constraint
entrygelmaster_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entrygelmaster_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entrygene

entrygene Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
geneid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entrygene Constraints
Name Constraint
entrygene_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entrygene_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entrytheoreticalpimw

entrytheoreticalpimw Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
modifiedproteindescription text
theoreticalpi numeric(4,2)
theoreticalmw integer
algorithmoriginandversion text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entrytheoreticalpimw Constraints
Name Constraint
entrytheoreticalpimw_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entrytheoreticalpimw_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entryversion2d

entryversion2d Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
version integer
versiondate date
annotationchanged boolean
annotationchecksum character(16)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entryversion2d Constraints
Name Constraint
entryversion2d_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entryversion2d_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entryversiongeneral

entryversiongeneral Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
version integer
versiondate date
annotationchanged boolean
annotationchecksum character(16)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entryversiongeneral Constraints
Name Constraint
entryversiongeneral_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entryversiongeneral_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entryversionparent

entryversionparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
version integer
versiondate date
annotationchanged boolean
annotationchecksum character(16)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entryversionparent Constraints
Name Constraint
entryversionparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entryversionparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entryxrefdb

entryxrefdb Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
xrefdbcode integer
xrefprimaryidentifier character varying(32)
xrefsecondaryidentifier character varying(1024)
xreftertiaryidentifier character varying(1024)
xrefotheridentifiers character varying(1024)
activated boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entryxrefdb Constraints
Name Constraint
entryxrefdb_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entryxrefdb_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entryxrefdbdynamic

entryxrefdbdynamic Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
xrefdbcode integer
xrefprimaryidentifier character varying(32)
xrefsecondaryidentifier character varying(1024)
xreftertiaryidentifier character varying(1024)
xrefotheridentifiers character varying(1024)
activated boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entryxrefdbdynamic Constraints
Name Constraint
entryxrefdbdynamic_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entryxrefdbdynamic_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: entryxrefdbparent

entryxrefdbparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
xrefdbcode integer
xrefprimaryidentifier character varying(32)
xrefsecondaryidentifier character varying(1024)
xreftertiaryidentifier character varying(1024)
xrefotheridentifiers character varying(1024)
activated boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


entryxrefdbparent Constraints
Name Constraint
entryxrefdbparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
entryxrefdbparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: enzymenomenclature

enzymenomenclature Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
enzymecode character varying(16)
ac character varying(32)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


enzymenomenclature Constraints
Name Constraint
enzymenomenclature_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
enzymenomenclature_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: externalmainxrefdata

externalmainxrefdata Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
uniprotextractiondate date
uniprotac character varying(32)
uniprotsecondaryac character varying(32)[]
uniprotid character varying(32)
uniprotversion numeric(5,2)
uniprotentryincorporateddate date
uniprotsequpdate date
uniprotsequpversion smallint
uniprotentryupdate date
uniprotentryupversion smallint
uniprotdescription text
uniprotenzymecode character varying(16)
uniprotgenenames character varying(1024)
uniprotorganelleplasmid character varying(256)
uniprotcategorykeywords character varying(1024)
uniprotxrefs character varying(1024)[]
sportrembl boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


externalmainxrefdata Constraints
Name Constraint
externalmainxrefdata_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
externalmainxrefdata_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: gel

gel Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
gelid integer
melaniegeneratedid character varying(64)
shortname character varying(32)
fullname character varying(256)
dimension smallint
startmw bigint
endmw bigint
startpi numeric(4,2)
endpi numeric(4,2)
organismid integer
organismstrain character varying(256)
gelparentid integer
gelpreparationid integer
gelinformaticsid integer
biosourceinformationid integer
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


gel Constraints
Name Constraint
gel_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
gel_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: gelcomputabledynamic

gelcomputabledynamic Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
databasename character varying(64)
gelshortname character varying(32)
gelfullname character varying(256)
organismspecies text
taxonomycode integer
gelcomputableurl text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


gelcomputabledynamic Constraints
Name Constraint
gelcomputabledynamic_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
gelcomputabledynamic_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: geldynamic

geldynamic Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
databasename character varying(64)
gelshortname character varying(32)
gelfullname character varying(256)
organismspecies text
taxonomycode integer
tissuename character varying(256)
tissuespname character varying(256)
gelurl text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


geldynamic Constraints
Name Constraint
geldynamic_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
geldynamic_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: gelimage

gelimage Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
gelid integer
masterimage oid
imageurl text
imagepath text
imagetype character varying(3)
smallimageurl text
smallimagepath text
smallimagetype character varying(3)
xpixelsize smallint
ypixelsize smallint
xratio numeric(6,4)
yratio numeric(6,4)
xpixelshift smallint
ypixelshift smallint
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


gelimage Constraints
Name Constraint
gelimage_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
gelimage_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: gelinformatics

gelinformatics Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
gelinformaticsid integer
uri character varying(4096)
informaticsdocument text
informaticsdescription text
soft text
contactid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


gelinformatics Constraints
Name Constraint
gelinformatics_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
gelinformatics_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: gelpreparation

gelpreparation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
gelpreparationid integer
analyteid integer
uri character varying(4096)
preparationdocument text
preparationdescription text
contactid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


gelpreparation Constraints
Name Constraint
gelpreparation_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
gelpreparation_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: geltissuesp

geltissuesp Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
gelid integer
tissuespname character varying(256)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


geltissuesp Constraints
Name Constraint
geltissuesp_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
geltissuesp_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: genename

genename Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
geneid integer
genename character varying(16)
organismid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


genename Constraints
Name Constraint
genename_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
genename_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: geneontologyparent

geneontologyparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
goid character varying(32)
goname character varying(256)
gosynoymsnames character varying(1024)
godefinition character varying(1024)
lastupdate timestamp without time zone
mappedenzymeclassification character varying(16)
mappedtransportclassification character varying(16)
goparents character varying(32)[]
gochildren character varying(32)[]
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


geneontologyparent Constraints
Name Constraint
geneontologyparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
geneontologyparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: geneorderedlocus

geneorderedlocus Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
geneid integer
orderedlocusname character varying(32)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


geneorderedlocus Constraints
Name Constraint
geneorderedlocus_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
geneorderedlocus_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: geneorf

geneorf Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
geneid integer
orfname character varying(32)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


geneorf Constraints
Name Constraint
geneorf_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
geneorf_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: generaltopicdefinition

generaltopicdefinition Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
generaltopicid integer
topicname character varying(64)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


generaltopicdefinition Constraints
Name Constraint
generaltopicdefinition_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
generaltopicdefinition_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: generaltopicentrydata

generaltopicentrydata Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
topicdataid integer
generaltopicid integer
topicdatatext text
allreferences integer[]
ambiguousreference boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


generaltopicentrydata Constraints
Name Constraint
generaltopicentrydata_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
generaltopicentrydata_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: genesynonym

genesynonym Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
geneid integer
synonym character varying(16)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


genesynonym Constraints
Name Constraint
genesynonym_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
genesynonym_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: journal

journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
journalid integer
journalname character varying(256)
url text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


journal Constraints
Name Constraint
journal_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
journal_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: make2ddbtool

make2ddbtool Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
version numeric(4,2)
subversion character varying(64)
versiondate date
postgresqlversion text
action text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


make2ddbtool Constraints
Name Constraint
make2ddbtool_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
make2ddbtool_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: mappingtopicdefinition

mappingtopicdefinition Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
mappingtechnique character varying(8)
techniquedescription character varying(256)
containingregexp text
excludingregexp text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


mappingtopicdefinition Constraints
Name Constraint
mappingtopicdefinition_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
mappingtopicdefinition_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: molecularfunction

molecularfunction Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
ac character varying(32)
goid character varying(32)
goname character varying(256)
gosynoymsnames character varying(1024)
godefinition character varying(1024)
lastupdate timestamp without time zone
mappedenzymeclassification character varying(16)
mappedtransportclassification character varying(16)
goparents character varying(32)[]
gochildren character varying(32)[]
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


molecularfunction Constraints
Name Constraint
molecularfunction_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
molecularfunction_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: organism

organism Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
organismid integer
organismspecies text
organismclassification text
taxonomyxrefdbcode integer
taxonomycode integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


organism Constraints
Name Constraint
organism_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
organism_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: project

project Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
projectid integer
description text
uri character varying(4096)
contactid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


project Constraints
Name Constraint
project_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
project_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: reference

reference Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
referenceworkid integer
referencetitle text
referencetypeid integer
referencechecksum character(16)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


reference Constraints
Name Constraint
reference_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
reference_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencedentry

referencedentry Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
ac character varying(32)
rndisplayedvalue smallint
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencedentry Constraints
Name Constraint
referencedentry_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencedentry_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencedgel

referencedgel Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
gelid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencedgel Constraints
Name Constraint
referencedgel_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencedgel_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencedobjectparent

referencedobjectparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencedobjectparent Constraints
Name Constraint
referencedobjectparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencedobjectparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencedproject

referencedproject Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
projectid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencedproject Constraints
Name Constraint
referencedproject_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencedproject_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencedsample

referencedsample Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
sampleid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencedsample Constraints
Name Constraint
referencedsample_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencedsample_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencelocationbook

referencelocationbook Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
bookid integer
volume smallint
pagefirst integer
pagelast integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencelocationbook Constraints
Name Constraint
referencelocationbook_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencelocationbook_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencelocationjournal

referencelocationjournal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
journalid integer
volume smallint
subvolume smallint
pagefirst integer
pagelast integer
year smallint
crossreferences character varying(128)[]
unpublished boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencelocationjournal Constraints
Name Constraint
referencelocationjournal_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencelocationjournal_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencelocationother

referencelocationother Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
text text
personalcomment character varying(256)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencelocationother Constraints
Name Constraint
referencelocationother_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencelocationother_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencelocationparent

referencelocationparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencelocationparent Constraints
Name Constraint
referencelocationparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencelocationparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencelocationpatent

referencelocationpatent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
patent_publication_number character varying(16)
date date
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencelocationpatent Constraints
Name Constraint
referencelocationpatent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencelocationpatent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencelocationsubmission

referencelocationsubmission Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
month smallint
year smallint
xrefdbcode integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencelocationsubmission Constraints
Name Constraint
referencelocationsubmission_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencelocationsubmission_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencelocationthesis

referencelocationthesis Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
year smallint
institution character varying(128)
country character varying(64)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencelocationthesis Constraints
Name Constraint
referencelocationthesis_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencelocationthesis_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencelocationunpubobservations

referencelocationunpubobservations Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceid integer
month smallint
year smallint
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencelocationunpubobservations Constraints
Name Constraint
referencelocationunpubobservations_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencelocationunpubobservations_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencetype

referencetype Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referencetypeid integer
referencetype character varying(32)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencetype Constraints
Name Constraint
referencetype_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencetype_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: referencework

referencework Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
referenceworkid integer
referenceworkdescription character varying(64)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


referencework Constraints
Name Constraint
referencework_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
referencework_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: release

release Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
releasenum integer
subrelease smallint
releasedate date
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


release Constraints
Name Constraint
release_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
release_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: sample

sample Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
sampleid integer
biosourceid integer
uri character varying(4096)
samplepreparationid integer
description text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


sample Constraints
Name Constraint
sample_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
sample_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: samplepreparation

samplepreparation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
samplepreparationid integer
uri character varying(4096)
samplepreparationdocument text
samplepreparationprotocol text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


samplepreparation Constraints
Name Constraint
samplepreparation_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
samplepreparation_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: secondaryac

secondaryac Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
secondaryac character varying(32)
ac character varying(32)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


secondaryac Constraints
Name Constraint
secondaryac_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
secondaryac_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spot

spot Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
mw integer
pi numeric(4,2)
xcoordinate integer
ycoordinate integer
odrelative real
volumerelative real
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spot Constraints
Name Constraint
spot_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spot_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotdataaacid

spotdataaacid Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
dataexpid integer
humanidentifier character varying(256)
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
referenceid integer
contactid integer
uri character varying(4096)
datadocument text
experimentdescription text
experimentdate date
appreciation smallint
datadisplayer text
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
aminoacidlist text
relateddata text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotdataaacid Constraints
Name Constraint
spotdataaacid_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotdataaacid_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotdataother

spotdataother Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
dataexpid integer
humanidentifier character varying(256)
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
referenceid integer
contactid integer
uri character varying(4096)
datadocument text
experimentdescription text
experimentdate date
appreciation smallint
datadisplayer text
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
results text
relateddata text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotdataother Constraints
Name Constraint
spotdataother_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotdataother_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotdataparent

spotdataparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
dataexpid integer
humanidentifier character varying(256)
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
referenceid integer
contactid integer
uri character varying(4096)
datadocument text
experimentdescription text
experimentdate date
appreciation smallint
datadisplayer text
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotdataparent Constraints
Name Constraint
spotdataparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotdataparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotdatapeptmassf

spotdatapeptmassf Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
dataexpid integer
humanidentifier character varying(256)
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
referenceid integer
contactid integer
uri character varying(4096)
datadocument text
experimentdescription text
experimentdate date
appreciation smallint
datadisplayer text
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
peptidemasses double precision[]
enzyme character varying(32)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotdatapeptmassf Constraints
Name Constraint
spotdatapeptmassf_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotdatapeptmassf_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotdatatandemms

spotdatatandemms Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
dataexpid integer
humanidentifier character varying(256)
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
referenceid integer
contactid integer
uri character varying(4096)
datadocument text
experimentdescription text
experimentdate date
appreciation smallint
datadisplayer text
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
parentmass double precision
parentcharge smallint
ionmasses double precision[]
relateddata text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotdatatandemms Constraints
Name Constraint
spotdatatandemms_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotdatatandemms_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotentry

spotentry Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
ac character varying(32)
fragment boolean
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotentry Constraints
Name Constraint
spotentry_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotentry_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotentrygeneraltopic

spotentrygeneraltopic Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
topicdataid integer
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
ac character varying(32)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotentrygeneraltopic Constraints
Name Constraint
spotentrygeneraltopic_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotentrygeneraltopic_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotentrymappingtopic

spotentrymappingtopic Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
topicdataid integer
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
ac character varying(32)
mappingtechnique character varying(8)[]
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotentrymappingtopic Constraints
Name Constraint
spotentrymappingtopic_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotentrymappingtopic_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotentrytopicparent

spotentrytopicparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
topicdataid integer
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
ac character varying(32)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotentrytopicparent Constraints
Name Constraint
spotentrytopicparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotentrytopicparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotidentificationaacid

spotidentificationaacid Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
identificationid integer
humanidentifier character varying(256)
hassubset boolean
dataexpid integer
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
ac character varying(32)
isoform text
version integer
contactid integer
uri character varying(4096)
identificationdocument text
identificationdescription text
allexperimentdata boolean
appreciation numeric(2,1)
datadisplayer text
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
aminoacidlist text
relateddata text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotidentificationaacid Constraints
Name Constraint
spotidentificationaacid_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotidentificationaacid_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotidentificationother

spotidentificationother Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
identificationid integer
humanidentifier character varying(256)
hassubset boolean
dataexpid integer
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
ac character varying(32)
isoform text
version integer
contactid integer
uri character varying(4096)
identificationdocument text
identificationdescription text
allexperimentdata boolean
appreciation numeric(2,1)
datadisplayer text
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
results text
relateddata text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotidentificationother Constraints
Name Constraint
spotidentificationother_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotidentificationother_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotidentificationparent

spotidentificationparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
identificationid integer
humanidentifier character varying(256)
hassubset boolean
dataexpid integer
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
ac character varying(32)
isoform text
version integer
contactid integer
uri character varying(4096)
identificationdocument text
identificationdescription text
allexperimentdata boolean
appreciation numeric(2,1)
datadisplayer text
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotidentificationparent Constraints
Name Constraint
spotidentificationparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotidentificationparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotidentificationpeptmassf

spotidentificationpeptmassf Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
identificationid integer
humanidentifier character varying(256)
hassubset boolean
dataexpid integer
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
ac character varying(32)
isoform text
version integer
contactid integer
uri character varying(4096)
identificationdocument text
identificationdescription text
allexperimentdata boolean
appreciation numeric(2,1)
datadisplayer text
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
peptidemasses double precision[]
relateddata text
xxac character varying(32)
xxdirectory character varying(256)
xxfile character varying(64)
xxprogversion character varying(64)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotidentificationpeptmassf Constraints
Name Constraint
spotidentificationpeptmassf_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotidentificationpeptmassf_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotidentificationtandemms

spotidentificationtandemms Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
identificationid integer
humanidentifier character varying(256)
hassubset boolean
dataexpid integer
spotid character varying(16)
gelid integer
ac character varying(32)
isoform text
version integer
contactid integer
uri character varying(4096)
identificationdocument text
identificationdescription text
allexperimentdata boolean
appreciation numeric(2,1)
datadisplayer text
showflag boolean
showflagswitch boolean
ionmasses double precision[]
relateddata text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotidentificationtandemms Constraints
Name Constraint
spotidentificationtandemms_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotidentificationtandemms_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: spotidentificationtandemmssubset

spotidentificationtandemmssubset Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
identificationid integer
ionmasses double precision[]
identifiedpeptidesequence text
sequencestartposition smallint
sequenceendposition smallint
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


spotidentificationtandemmssubset Constraints
Name Constraint
spotidentificationtandemmssubset_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
spotidentificationtandemmssubset_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: study

study Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
studyid integer
projectid integer
description text
contactid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


study Constraints
Name Constraint
study_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
study_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: studygroup

studygroup Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
studygroupid integer
studyid integer
description text
biosourceinformationid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


studygroup Constraints
Name Constraint
studygroup_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
studygroup_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: tissue

tissue Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
tissueid integer
tissuename character varying(256)
tissueparentid integer
tissuecomment character varying(1024)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


tissue Constraints
Name Constraint
tissue_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
tissue_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: tissuesp

tissuesp Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
tissuespname character varying(256)
tissuespdisplayedname character varying(256)
tissueindate date
tissuecomment character varying(1024)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


tissuesp Constraints
Name Constraint
tissuesp_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
tissuesp_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: tissuespaliase

tissuespaliase Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
tissuespname character varying(256)
alias character varying(256)
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


tissuespaliase Constraints
Name Constraint
tissuespaliase_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
tissuespaliase_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: tissuesptissuemapping

tissuesptissuemapping Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
tissuespname character varying(256)
tissueid integer
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


tissuesptissuemapping Constraints
Name Constraint
tissuesptissuemapping_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
tissuesptissuemapping_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: xrefdb

xrefdb Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
xrefdbcode integer
xrefdbname character varying(64)
description text
url text
displayerurl text
displayerparameters text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


xrefdb Constraints
Name Constraint
xrefdb_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
xrefdb_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: xrefdbdynamic

xrefdbdynamic Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
xrefdbcode integer
xrefdbname character varying(64)
description text
url text
displayerurl text
displayerparameters text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


xrefdbdynamic Constraints
Name Constraint
xrefdbdynamic_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
xrefdbdynamic_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

Table: xrefdbparent

xrefdbparent Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
xrefdbcode integer
xrefdbname character varying(64)
description text
url text
displayerurl text
displayerparameters text
userstamp character varying(128)
modificationdate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
updatedordeleted character(1)
usermodifiername character varying(128)


xrefdbparent Constraints
Name Constraint
xrefdbparent_modificationdate_check CHECK ((modificationdate IS NOT NULL))
xrefdbparent_updatedordeleted_check CHECK (((updatedordeleted = 'U'::bpchar) OR (updatedordeleted = 'D'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema log

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