# Hidden Spots # file name: hiddenSpots.txt # This file controls whether some spots, associated to specific entries, are to be hidden # Data identification can also be hidden from within this file # Any line beginning with a '#' character is ignored. # The format to hide a spot association to an entry is (separated by spaces or tabs): # # Accession_number Gel_shortname Spot_ID # # To hide *all* spots associated to one entry in a particular gel, replace 'Spot_ID' by '*' # # e.g. # P12345 PLASMA 397 # The format to hide a specific spot identification data is (separated by spaces or tabs): # # Accession_number Gel_shortname Spot_ID Identification_Method # # Where Identification_Method is one of: PMF, MS/MS or Aa (respectively, mass fingerprinting, tandem MS and amino acid) # # To hide a specific 'Identification Method' on all/one entries in a particular gel, replace 'Accession_number' by '*' and/or 'Spot_ID' by '*' # # e.g. # P12345 PLASMA 397 MS/MS # P12345 PLASMA * MS/MS # * PLASMA * MS/MS P12345 PLASMA 397 PMF P12345 PLASMA 397 MS/MS