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World-2DPAGE Repository

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[Click to access protein entry]
 Spot: 697 (ob21dsub)
 pI: 7.44 Mw: 20000
 %vol: 0.0929271   %od: 0.120282
  accession n°: P07895

   Identification Methods:

  peptide sequences: {

  peptide masses:  {  (TRYPSIN)
 $m/Z= 829.3613 (0), 985.4772 (0), 1004.5492 (0),
  1028.6023 (0), 1440.7465 (0), 1728.8425 (0), 1768.7987 (0)
World-2DPAGE Repository image

 World-2DPAGE Repository Viewer (0004)
 OB21DSUB { 2-DE gel for Olfactory bulb proteome } (AC: P07895)

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details:  PMF  Tandem MS  AA Composition  Micro-Sequencing / Tagging  Gel Matching  Comigration  Immunobloting

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